Pre Season Playbook
A summer leadership workshop for athletes

Do you want to step up as a leader?
Wondering how to lead - in a way that feels aligned with who you are - so you can contribute more on & off the field?

You already ARE a leader.
This workshop will help you understand
how to become more effective.

Here's how:
First, we'll look at three components that are important
for you to figure out how to lead:

     1. Get clear on your vision: where you want to go
     2. Figure out your values: how you will get there
     3. Tap into your strengths: for help along the way

Next, we'll look at what effective teams do to create a team culture where everyone can thrive.

Finally...we'll break leadership down so it's do-able:
1) identify the leadership roles you can play, 2) specific leadership skills you can develop and 3) what leadership style is right for you.


Session One - July 20th
Session Two - July 27th

4pm - 6pm, pacific
This 2-Day workshop is geared towards
college athletes of any sport.

This is also a great opportunity for rising high school juniors and seniors who are eager
to make a bigger impact on and off the field.

If you are an athlete who wants to step into a leadership role...these two days can give you more confidence by showing you how.
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This workshop is a safe space for athletes to come and have honest conversations about leadership.

To create this safe space, I have three important
boundaries and guidelines:

❌   This workshop is not for chronic complainers.

❌   It's not for the athletes who constantly judge, blame or criticize others (including your coach or your teammates).

❌   It's not for athletes who aren't ready to look at yourself first or view feedback as information
and an opportunity to grow.
High School
Gain Clarity On These Six Elements
Over the Course of Two Days...

Clarify your vision for the season ahead
Create a vision that pulls you forward in the direction you want to go.

Get clear on who you want to be, what you want to do and want you want to have.

Define what success looks like - in advance - so you know it when you get there!
Examine values that will show you the way
Your values are like a compass and can guide you when the path isn't clear.

Know what to watch out for to alert you that you've veered off course.

Use your values - like a north star - to stay aligned and on track no matter
what obstacles
Identify your strengths and how to use them
Your strengths are what you're doing when you're at your best.

When you know and use your strengths consistently you'll be happier, energized and more effective at what you do.

Celebrate your superpower and spend more time here!
Build a positive
environment with your teammates

Help your coaches and teammates create a team culture where everyone belongs.

Find out what people need to feel safe so everyone can contribute their unique gifts and talents to the group.

Learn what to do or say when things get hard or times are tough so that your team can take the next step and keep moving forward together.
Cultivate leadership that gets everyone involved
Identify the specific leadership roles you can play on your team while supporting leadership within others.

Understand how you can become more effective as a leader by improving key leadership skills you can practice every day on and off the field.

Begin to explore your signature leadership style and figure out what you're doing when you're at your best.
Create your own leadership playbook to guide you 
Take the concepts you learn and create your own roadmap of how you'll integrate these this season both on and off the field.

Have specific things you can focus on that can help you become more confident and effective as a leader.

Collaborate with other athletes to learn from each other. Hear how other teams do things that may shift your perspective. 
Spend two days getting to know more about yourself and how you can contribute as a leader
The playbook will help show you what you can do.
Think of it as the framework that contains the key elements for you to explore.

→ During these two sessions, I will show you exactly how to do it.
Together, we'll walk through leadership step-by-step.
By the end, you will have created your own roadmap to build on forever.

One of my strengths is teaching coaches, athletes and teams how to think
about the journey you go on each season and anticipate the challenges they'll face:

...because every season is different
...and each person has the potential to change the team dynamics
...for better or for worse!

Learn the behind the scenes of why some coaches lead the way they do
and how you can adapt your behavior to work with
(instead of against) them so everyone benefits.

Connect with your teammates.
Learn how to support the leadership within everyone on your team.

  • Get clear about your vision - where you’re going.
  • Identify your values - how you’ll get there.
  • Tap into your strengths - the unique gifts and talents that make you great!
  • See how you can contribute to a positive team environment so everyone can thrive.
  • Explore different leadership roles and skills while you develop your leadership style.
  • Capture your most important takeaways in this playbook to have at your fingertips…in one easy-to-access location.

PLUS get a playbook full of worksheets and tools with tangible ways to keep your momentum going: Gain confidence and insight while you continue to improve your leadership skills .

We need more caring and compassionate leaders in our world today!
Be the change YOU want to see.

Session 1: July 20th from 4-6pm, pacific
Session 2: July 27th from 4-6pm, pacific

Both sessions - $179
One session - $97

Pre Season Playbook for Athletes
A two day leadership workshop
for high school and college athletes
Gain confidence, improve your leadership skills and learn specific ways that you can be a leader on your team.

For special team rates contact Erica.
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Athlete Information
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Order Summary
Becoming a leader means
becoming yourself! 
Meet Erica
My focus is on helping you become a leader - in all areas of your life.

High School & College Swimming
I grew up in Roanoke, Virginia and started competitive swimming when I was 12. I earned an athletic scholarship and competed for Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana (Go Hoosiers!). I was voted two-time team captain during my junior and senior years and received the Mental Toughness Award. I graduated with a B.S. in Biology and a teaching certificate and considered teaching high school.

College Coaching

I was an assistant coach for the Women's Swimming and Diving Team at Southern Methodist University - a top 4 program in the nation. I was named the Head Women's Swimming Coach at Washington State University in 2002. My biggest priorities as a coach were helping my team create a positive team environment where everyone could be a leader and contribute their unique talents to the team.

During the summer of 2004, I went on a backpacking trip with N.O.L.S. (National Outdoor Leadership School) up in the Yukon Territory. I learned a lot about myself and got a glimpse of how I could start to teach leadership to my team. I went on to become a NOLS Instructor and lead backpacking courses in and around the Pacific Northwest.

Since 2012, I've worked with coaches, athletes and teams as a leadership coach, consultant and facilitator. I've helped coaches find their dream jobs or expand as a leader in roles they're currently in. I've helped coaches transition from coaching into other positions they love.

Every person is different. (Just like every leader is different.) You have your own unique skills, gifts and talents that make you who you are.

I want to help you learn who you are and how you can effectively step into a leadership role in all areas of your life - and especially when it comes to leading yourself!

- Certified Enneagram Coach
- CPBA (Certified Professional Behavior Analyst)

Q: Why are there two different sessions for this workshop? Are they both the same?

A: No. Each session will have different content. There are two different sessions to allow athletes time to digest and reflect so they can bring new insights and questions to session two.

Q: Can athletes really do either session instead of both?

A: Absolutely. Although I've designed it as a complete experience, athletes can come to either session and still have valuable takeaways. I don't want money or time to keep an athlete from learning if they're curious about leadership. So, if one session is more affordable...or one session works for their schedule...they are welcome to come to either session!

Q: What will you teach in each session?

A: Session One (July 20th) we'll talk about team culture and how to contribute to creating a positive environment on their team. We'll break leadership down into 4 roles, 7 skills and 1 unique signature style. Each athlete will come away with a greater understanding of the roles and skills they can bring to your team as well as how to lead from their unique signature style.

Session Two (July 27th) we'll talk about their individual vision, values and strengths...and how this relates to these same elements on your team. Each athlete will come away with a better sense of where they're headed this season, what core values can keep them on track, and what specific strengths they best utilize.

Q: If I have an athlete who registers, is there any specific follow up you'd recommend for the coach?

A: I'd just recommend that you do something. Invite your athlete for coffee. Have a conversation. Talk about out what they learned, what insights they had, what they think could be applied to your team.


You are your best investment! 

Are you an athlete who wants to register and aren't sure how to afford the investment?

You will be able to take this knowledge and these leadership skills with you - wherever you go.

Talk to friends, family and other people in your community to see if they would be willing to sponsor you.

Offer to give back to your community in exchange for support: give a talk to a youth sports team in your area and present what you learned; volunteer to help coach for a day and share inspiration or words of wisdom before or after practice.

Remember: this is an opportunity to invest in yourself and your future to learn leadership skills that help you to make a bigger impact in the world.

If you want to chat to brainstorm ideas to help you finance this experience together, let's find time to connect!

Talk to your coach and let them know about
June 29-30, 2023
Connect Virtually from anywhere
9am, PT / 12pm, ET to 5pm, PT / 8pm ET

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Find Your Peak Sports
Helping coaches, athltes and teams find their peak in all areas of life.
