Attention Current + Former Coaches, Administrators & Leaders in Sports who want to learn new skills, see challenges from a different perspective and add new tools to your leadership toolbox to use with groups and teams

You're invited to a 2-day facilitator's retreat:
to take your leadership experience to apply it in a new way! 

Have you ever finished a meeting with a group or team feeling frustrated...because you got emotionally "hooked", failed to resolve an issue or struggled to move the group forward?

This 'everything included' retreat will help you become a more effective leader and introduce a path to use your experience to step up and lead in new ways

WHEN:  Thursday, May 11 - Friday, May 12 starting at 12pm, ET / 9am, PT on both days

WHERE:  Virtually - from the comfort and convenience of wherever you are!

WHO:  current and former athletic coaches and other leaders within athletics

Space will be limited to ensure a more intimate space where everyone can participate and feel fully supported

Register Today

Dear Fellow Leader --

If you're anything like me, then I'm guessing most of your training as a leader within athletics has been heavily focused on the technical side - the x's and o's.

The "hard skills" are what some people believe are THE secret formula to success.

But most of the time it's the "relational skills" that will keep you up at night:
  • Lack of trust, commitment or accountability
  • Miscommunications or misunderstandings
  • An environment where people blame each other or complain 
  • A toxic team culture 

We are complicated human beings. We come from diverse values and backgrounds. We bring different levels of experience and understanding to a group. We each have our own thoughts, feelings, wants and sensations operating under the surface while we're interacting with one another.

When we don't know what other people are thinking/feeling/wanting...we tend to make things up OR rely on the most accessible interpretation...our own.

This retreat will simplify how you look at groups and give you a fresh perspective on challenges you've faced in the past. By the end of our two days you'll see that the relationship between the parts are more important than the parts themselves.

Here's a short list of some skill-building we'll do during our time together:
  • Become more effective and confident at leading debriefs with groups and teams
  • Focus on your observation skills while guiding conversations
  • Learn strategies to stay self differentiated while working with groups and teams
  • Decide the appropriate level of intervention you'll use when groups veer off track
  • Add more structure, questions and tools to your leadership skillset

This experience is designed to help you gain confidence and improve your facilitation skills so you can become a more effective leader. The experience will be grounded in theory and provide opportunities to practice key skills together.

Maybe you're being called to play a bigger game in some way? If so, I hope you'll consider joining us for this powerful 2-day retreat!


    Register Today
    Learn 8 Elements of Effective Leaders

    This 2-day retreat will place a strong emphasis on the sixth element: self mastery.
    To help you come away from these two days with more clarity on where you can continue to learn and grow as a leader and a facilitator.
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    Self Mastery is a commitment.
    Five ways to continually learn and grow as a leader

    #1 - Acknowledge that there is no arrival.  There's no destination or end to your journey of learning, growth and development. We are all our own work in progress.

    #2 - Unplug from perfection.  It's less about "doing it right" as it is about doing, reflecting, experimenting and doing it again.

    #3 - Discover what gets in your way and holds you back.  Develop habits and practices that keep you from getting stuck or stalled out.

    #4 - Learn your 50% line.  When you operate from below the 50% line emotionally; you become your #1 priority. Your first goal is to get back above the line.

    #5 - Take full accountability for yourself.  True accountability is taking responsibility for yourself - and your ability to have a response.

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    Self Mastery is a continuum.

    There are stages of mastery.

    1. You move from unaware to aware. But just because you’re aware, you may not understand how something you've learned applies to you.

    2. Then you start to build an understanding. You recognize examples from your own life. But you’re still not exactly sure how to use the knowledge yet.

    3. Once you begin to understand something at a deeper level - only then you can begin to integrate it.

    4. Over time what you've learned eventually becomes blueprint level knowledge - a habit that you just naturally do.

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    This retreat has been intentionally designed to meet you - wherever you are as a leader - to help move you along this continuum.
    • Maybe you've thought about starting a mentorship group with colleagues within your organization to support one other. But you're not quite sure how to begin. This retreat will help give you the confidence to put the invitation out there and commit to leading the first session to get it off the ground.


    • Maybe you want to get colleagues together for the weekend to hang out and get to know each other better. This retreat will help you learn how to establish ground-rules to create a healthy environment together instead of turning it into an unproductive weekend of blaming and complaining.

    •  Or perhaps you've been asked to give a talk to local coaches or leaders in your area. This retreat will show you how to turn your talk into an experiential learning opportunity. Get everyone involved and show them how powerful it can be to listen, share and support each other...instead of only listening to you.

    •  Or maybe you've transitioned away from athletics but there are so many things you miss.  You want to get involved again but you're not sure what to you don't do anything.

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    This retreat is for you whether you want to start a business OR become a more effective leader...
    If you're curious...and you think you'd benefit from this experience, here's how to start:

    1. Say yes
    The two biggest obstacles to your own learning, growth and development as a leader are time and money.

    We rarely take time away from our daily grind to focus on the most important work. This retreat is a way to prioritize yourself!

    Shift the way you think about money. You're not spending it. You're investing in your own leadership development.
    And you will always be your best investment.

    So first, make the commitment by saying yes.

    2. Stay open

    Instead of assuming you already know something, stay open and curious.

    Even if you have heard a concept before, you have had new experiences since then that you can apply these skills to from a different angle and a fresh perspective.

    If leading was only about knowledge and information we would only ever need one book on leadership.

    It's all about learning how to apply what you know to your unique situation.
    As a participant during these two days, I'll encourage you to remember to approach learning by following the F.A.S.T. principle:

                                             F.orget everything you think you already know
                                           A.ctively participate in your own learning
                                           S.tate - all learning is impacted by your emotional state
                                           T.hermostat - be the thermostat vs. the thermometer

    (And I'll expand on this concept during our first session together.)

    3. Be all 'in'
    With any new thing you try...easy to stay skeptical, dip your toe in or have a backup plan to fall back on in case you're not feeling it (whatever 'it' is...).

    If this is something you tend to do, it's not right or just may be a pattern you've developed to protect yourself from things that are new, different or uncertain.

    And it also may be something that holds you back and keeps you from experiencing the fullness of life.

    What if it were possible for you to get outside your comfort zone, learn new skills, hear things from a different perspective while connecting with a cool group of people who will add value to your experience in unexpected ways?
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    As a facilitator, you can help your team or group with some of these same results:

    "The summit has helped me connect with my team about important things and helped me to feel supported during
    tough times."

    - Kristy Jones, Head Men's and Women's Swimming & Diving Coach, Holy Cross


    "The summit has had a big impact on my career in terms of personal growth. I love being surrounded by strong women and lifting each other up to make us better.  I've made incredible coaching friendships."

    - Haley Mitchell, Head Men's and Women's Swimming & Diving Coach, Occidental College


    "The summit exposes me to new exercises to help me examine my own mindset...and are also valuable to use with my team. Summits bring together coaches from a broad landscape: assistant and head coaches from all divisions. It's so meaningful."

    - Jennifer Bloome, Head Men's and Women's Swimming  Coach, Whitman College

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    "The summit gave me the time and space to refocus my goals  and develop strategies to achieve them.  As a young coach, the experiences other coaches shared were insightful and encouraging for moving forward in my own career."

    - Kayla Engelhard, Assistant Women's Basketball Coach, Whitman College


    "The summit has provided me with a network of wonderful women that I am not hesitant to tap into for professional advice as well as support."

    - Milana Socha, Head Men's & Women's Swimming & Diving Coach, Dartmouth 


    "The summit helped me experience connection and a feeling that I am not alone in any of my challenges. I gained insights, tools, and a space to be present. I learned I have to be active to get what I want and that I have more support than I realized.

    - Cathleen Pruden, Head Men's and Women's Swimming  Coach, Trinity College

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    Register Today
    Imagine yourself two months from now...

     How would it feel to press the reset button and shift your paradigm this summer so you're not doing the same thing each year expecting different results?

    How valuable would it be to have more clarity around your biggest challenges...instead of avoiding issues because you're not sure what to do?

    What would it be like to feel connected and supported instead of trying to do it all on your own.

    Your time is valuable. Invest it wisely. Sometimes you need to reallocate time to focus on yourself.

    Becoming a more effective leader is an ongoing journey. It's easy to put it off because you're 'busy'. Don't let a day become a week, a week become a month, or a month become a year. 

    During This 2-Day Retreat, You'll Discover...


    When you are a coach, administrator, or teacher - you are a facilitator every moment as a leader. The best facilitators guide and manage conversations and experiences so the group functions effectively in pursuit of their goals.

    There's a combination of art and skill to leading a debrief.  You can debrief in a formal or informal way. Debriefing allows your group to process an experience, event or activity by analyzing, gaining insight, ruminating or articulating - individually or as a group.
    Different groups may need a different level of intervention or intensity. Learn how to figure out the right strategy to use with your unique group or team to move everyone forward together towards a positive outcome.
    We learn by taking the time to reflect on experiences. If we skip the reflection, we skip the learning. Leaders can help your group maximize the learning by creating a space to reflect, draw conclusions, experiment and test those conclusions and then circling back again to see how it went.
    Erica Quam
    Erica is the owner of Find Your Peak Sports and Co-owner of the Prime Sports Institute in Bellingham, Washington.

    Erica grew up in Roanoke, Virginia, competed for Indiana University and coached college swimming for 15 years at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX and Washington State University in Pullman, WA.

    Her passion is teaching people how to tap into their full potential as the leaders they're meant to be in all areas of their lives.

    • A SOLUTION BANK: A Q&A recording of rarely-discussed challenges of facilitating including bizarre requests, tough personalities, and more.

    • TEACHING STYLE AUDIT: This model will help you develop awareness of how you teach and provide insight about how to be more inclusive teaching to other learning styles.

    • MONEY MINDSET TRAINING: To help reveal any blindspots that you may not yet be aware of so you can have conversations with potential clients from a more neutral place
    Don't forget to register
    Email Erica at
    or click here to schedule time to chat

    © The Coaching Experience
    Legal Disclaimer

    Find Your Peak Sports doesn’t believe in quick results or magic pills. We believe in serving at a high level. We are legally required to remind you that we do not guarantee your results, income or outcomes if you use our tools, templates, strategies or secrets. With that said, the results you experience will come from your commitment to yourself and your inner growth. You will also need to take lots of action. We are here to deliver high levels of training and content that will hopefully serve you for years to come. Will you get the same results as other leaders who have worked with us? We have no idea. So, it depends on you, your decisions, your actions and your level of personal accountability. Nothing on this page or any of our websites is meant to guarantee results. We do not offer legal, tax, financial or any other professional advice. The numbers on this page and on any of our websites are illustrative only – and should not be considered exact, actual or a guarantee of your future earnings. Thank you for visiting! Now, go forth and do good work to make this place a better world!
